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We know that we are in an increasingly larger world, and this is why it is essential to find the best place to raise a family. From the quality of education to safety and access to health services, there are many aspects to consider. That is why before making this decision you have to explore the most prominent countries to establish roots. In addition, those that give you the option of providing an environment conducive to the well-being and growth of families.

To achieve this, it is essential to evaluate aspects such as economic stability, infrastructure, job opportunities, and the quality of the health system. Some of these nations offer family support programs, for example, paid parental leave and access to high-quality childcare services. The more we look at the data and people's experiences, we find that these destinations are ideal for raising children.

Importance of choosing a good country to raise your family

Deciding which country is the best place to raise a family is an important choice. If you want to take it correctly you have to consider a series of extremely influential elements, that is,

  • Security
  • Job opportunities
  • Medical services
  • Housing
  • Schools
  • Languages
  • Conciliation
  • Green areas
  • The general standard of living

In today's fast-paced world, families often look for every opportunity to move to countries that can offer a pleasant environment to raise children. In other words, what is the best country to travel to with kids and what is the best country to raise a family.

Determining which is the best city to raise a family involves considering a wide range of requirements. Especially those that contribute to the well-being and satisfaction of parents and children. To do this you can start by asking yourself, what are the top places to raise a family.

If you want to succeed in the work, the answer has to include access to high-quality education, reliable healthcare facilities, and communities with a sense of growth and conservation.

Job opportunities

If you want to evaluate the job opportunities of a country, you have to consider some aspects. Below, you will see some strategies so that you can be one of the expat parents with a good life.

  • Examine employment indicators: Especially the unemployment rate, economic growth, job stability, wages, and benefits. In addition, it analyzes job stability and access to education and training.
  • Perform a SWOT analysis (Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths, Opportunities): With this tool, you will be able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a country in terms of job opportunities. This way, you can identify possible risks and areas for improvement.
  • Labor Market Research: To do this you can consult sources such as government reports, employment surveys, official statistics, and expert analysis.


To know which is the safest country to raise a family, it is important to consider several aspects. For this, we are going to provide you with some tips with which you can know this information:

  • Search the Global Peace Index (GPI): This index is prepared by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), classifying countries according to their level of security and peace.
  • Investigate security indicators: That is, investigate security aspects, for example, homicide rates, access to weapons, and political stability. In addition to studying relations with neighboring countries, educational resources on security and family protection policies.


Many families around the world, before moving, have to evaluate if a country is ideal to raise a family. Especially at the accommodation level. To do this, you just have to use any of these strategies and you can make an informed decision:

  • Use the HOME scale: There is the HOME scale and other assessment instruments that help you understand the quality of the family environment. Each of these tools considers aspects such as cognitive stimulation, home security, and emotional support.

In addition, being able to investigate if the country provides support programs for families, especially for expat kids. For example, rental subsidies, affordable housing, or access to housing services.

  • Investigate the socioeconomic level: To do this you have to analyze how different socioeconomic levels affect the quality of the family environment. Generally, higher levels tend to provide a better quality of accommodation.

A good idea is to consider the cost of living in the country and whether it fits your budget.

  • Search about housing policies: Finally, you have to examine if there are and what government policies on housing are like.


One of the most important aspects before considering a country to raise a family is education. To do this, you have to evaluate whether the nation provides a good education for children. Below, you will see a list of strategies and resources that you can use to evaluate this aspect:

  • Study results of international tests: For example, the PISA tests (Programme for International Student Assessment). This and many other tests are an important reference. Initially, you can investigate how the country ranks in these tests and compare it with others.
  • Examine the quality of the educational system: To do this, you can investigate the sole curriculum, and if they have the ideal resources and trained teachers. In addition, it is important to know if creativity, critical thinking, and active participation of students are promoted.
  • Access to Preschool and Primary Education: Initially, you can investigate which countries have with best child care. You should know that early education is crucial, which is why you have to know if the country offers quality preschool education programs.
  • Find out if they have educational resources and technology: To do this, you can look to see if the schools have laboratories, libraries, internet access, and technology for learning.


Initially, you have to know that the quality of maternal and child healthcare in Switzerland is second to none. It can even be considered one of the best places to live in Europe for families. Switzerland is spectacular and comfortable, especially for expat kids.

From the moment babies are born, mothers have comforting expert help available to them from people with time. There will be no pressure to send new mothers home from the hospital. They even take the time to help establish modern breastfeeding if you wish. And the truth is that most mothers do want it.

Currently, you can find statistics where you see that almost two-thirds of the population were only breastfed for three or four months. That is, far ahead of most other European countries.

Generally, Swiss parents tend to be somewhat wary of leaving their children in the hands of daycare centers. This is a factor that surely has to do with the children's history. Specifically, that the authorities took him from his poor parents in the not-too-distant past.

On the other hand, you have to know that caring for grandparents is very common and mothers of young children rarely work full time. In addition, more and more parents are reducing their work hours to spend time with their children. 


Today, Australia is an increasingly popular family vacation spot thanks to its laid-back lifestyle. In addition, it has impressive landscapes and good health and educational systems. Those are some of the reasons why it is a good country to vacation in and one of the best countries to live in the world.

Indeed, there is plenty of variety in Australia's landscapes from bustling metropolises like Melbourne and Sydney to attractive coastal communities. Australia can offer you many options so that you can prosper with your family.

You can enjoy a peaceful environment, a high standard of living, and a host of family activities. It is for this reason and many other things that Australia is often listed as one of the best places to raise your children.

On the other hand, its public health care and education institutions are exceptional. Additionally, there are several public parks, childcare facilities, and play areas. As a result, families often take advantage of Australia's dynamic culture, which offers a wide selection of options.


This Scandinavian country is renowned for its enabling infrastructure, and excellent record in terms of childcare, and safety standards. That is why Denmark is part of the list of the best places to raise a family.

Citizens with a GDP per capita of more than $50,000 are more than happy to pay higher taxes. The reason is simple, it is because they enjoy the best environment for raising children.

Concern for human rights, security, an environment conducive to gender equality, and a well-developed public education system are just some of the factors that led Denmark to be one of the best countries to raise a family.

Another reason behind this is that the government promotes gender equality by offering a daycare system. Especially, on income and a very flexible parental leave policy.

On the other hand, work hours are short and people usually leave work at 3 or 4 o'clock to pick up their children. Currently, there is a good system for early childhood health. A nurse even visits your house when your child is a baby.

Subsequently, periodic check-ups are carried out with the child's pediatrician. Also, if your child has the flu, you can take time off work to stay home with him. If you have to resort to these measures, you have to know that the first two days are paid.

Finally, they have an excellent childcare system. It is not free, but the cost is super affordable, and it is nice to be able to leave your child in a safe place. That is, leave it with trained people while you go to work.


Estonia has high-quality educational institutions and advanced technological infrastructure. As a result, it is quickly becoming the best option for families looking for a progressive and modern environment.

Its mission regarding technology and innovation is to create various opportunities for students to thrive academically and professionally.

Estonia offers free healthcare and higher education. In addition to offering more than 500 days of paid parental leave and ideal natural environments to raise expat kids. Its low crime rate, family-friendly employment policies, and thriving economy tend to be favorable to young families.

Finally, Estonia's innovative and technology-focused culture also offers the opportunity to engage children in STEM from an early age.


Germany's strong economy, exceptional standard of living, and competent public services are what make it a desirable option. Especially for families looking for opportunity and stability.

You have to know that the health and educational systems are first-class in Germany. In addition, it has enormous natural reserves and historical sites. As a result, it becomes a nurturing environment for children to develop and thrive.

Germany has generous parental leave rules. Consequently, new parents can devote substantial amounts of time to their children. In addition, it provides excellent health care, almost free higher education, low violent crime rates, and many recreational opportunities.

Finally, Germany is very famous for its creativity and also offers interesting academic opportunities. Especially for children with interests in technology, science, and engineering.


Sweden's enlightened social policies, and its excellent educational and childcare institutions. In addition, it has abundant resources of all kinds, that is, agriculture and other survival resources. Thanks to this, Sweden is part of the group of the best places to raise your attractive family member.

Currently, in Sweden, there is an emphasis on promoting gender equality, environmentalism, and outdoor living. It intends to create a safe, inclusive, and family atmosphere so children can explore and grow.

You have to know that Sweden pioneered the world's first child protection regulations in the 19th century. To do this, what they did was set a lasting example of a family-centered policy.

Sweden currently offers free or heavily subsidized healthcare, education, extended paid parental leave, and public entertainment for families. In essence, Sweden's appreciation of nature encourages energetic and curious children.


In Norway, you can find some impressive natural landscapes. In addition to being able to find a solid social welfare system and its emphasis on work-life balance. As a result, it is an excellent option for families who want a high standard of living.

Currently, there is a commitment on Norway's part to sustainability and outdoor activities. Specifically, creating a healthy and nurturing environment for children to thrive and develop effectively.

On the other hand, Norway provides an exceptional environment for growing children. You can see this thanks to its well-known family-friendly laws and values, as well as its impressive natural beauty.

Finally, families receive free healthcare, generously subsidized child care, higher education, and a year of paid parental leave. You have to know that Norway has a strong commitment to sustainable development techniques. 

The Netherlands

Today, the Netherlands is extremely famous for its advanced social policies. In addition, it is one of the countries that has the best excellent medical care and the highest quality educational system.

Thanks to the flat geography of the Netherlands, it has ample trails for cars and its services for families. As a result, this is a safe and accessible country for children to explore and grow.

The Netherlands was a pioneer in enacting policies to support and empower working families. Among the most important are part-time employment opportunities. Additionally, they provide affordable, high-quality education and healthcare.

Finally, you have to know that Dutch society strongly values ​​the balance between work and personal life. You can enjoy several parks, playgrounds, child-focused museums, and other attractions ideal for both urban and rural children.

New Zealand 

Not only is New Zealand popular for being one of the best places in the world to be a mother, it is also the best place in the world for working parents. This is all thanks to the flexibility and benefits that both parents enjoy when trying to raise their children.

New Zealand parents tend to enjoy more time with their newborn children. Currently, almost 90% of fathers take their mandatory three-month paternity leave. Additionally, research shows that these fathers continue to participate in their children's childhood.

 In New Zealand mothers and babies are welcome everywhere, for example, at work, at university, or even in parliamentary sessions. The reason is pragmatic, babies absolutely need to stay close to their mothers during this crucial stage for their development.

Beyond the baby stage, New Zealand parents have access to a wealth of activities and facilities. Especially those that make it easier to transport your children. Simply by including your children in as many life experiences as possible.

Thus, they have the opportunity to enjoy the precious moments and memories they share. As a result, children have the opportunity to naturally bond more closely with their parents.

In summary, parents learn to balance their work and social commitments while being involved in their children's development. Freed from any pressure to choose between career and family, parents share the responsibilities of raising their children. 

If you want to live in any of these nations you have to have a visa, and there is no better ally than find your visa.


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