Visa Types

Albania Seasonal Employment Visa

The Albania seasonal employment visa is a great option for those seeking to work in the country for a limited period of time. This type of visa allows foreign nationals to enter and work in Albania for up to six months at a time, providing they meet specific criteria. This visa is ideal for seasonal workers. Such as, agricultural workers, hospitality staff, or anyone else who needs to perform labor-intensive work for a specified period of time. The visa is also a great choice for those who want to experience a different culture and gain valuable work experience. With the Albania seasonal employment visa, foreign nationals can gain access to the country’s thriving economy and explore all that it has to offer.


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Availability of seasonal work

Albania seasonal employment visa allows foreign nationals to take up seasonal em...
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Short-term work authorization

The visa grants foreign nationals a short-term work authorization in Albania.

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Access to the labor market

Foreign nationals can access the Albanian labor market through the seasonal empl...
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Affordable visa fees

Albania seasonal employment visa has affordable visa fees, making it an attracti...
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