Visa Types

Antigua and Barbuda Student visa

Antigua and Barbuda offer student visas to foreign students who wish to study in the country. The student visa application process is simple, and applicants must provide proof of acceptance to an accredited educational institution and provide a valid passport. To obtain a student visa, the student must also demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses during their stay in Antigua and Barbuda. Once the student visa has been approved, it is valid for the duration of the student's studies. For further information or assistance, contact the Antigua and Barbuda Immigration Department.


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No cash requirements

No requirement to have a minimum amount of funds in bank account to obtain stude...
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Affordable education

Affordable tuition fees for international students.

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Friendly environment

Friendly locals who are welcoming and hospitable to international students.

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Rich culture

Rich cultural heritage and attractions to explore in Antigua and Barbuda.

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Visa Providers

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