Visa Types

Argentina Retirement visa

Argentina offers an attractive retirement visa option for those looking to spend their golden years in this beautiful country. The visa provides a host of benefits to retirees, including a residence permit that can be renewed indefinitely, access to healthcare, and a tax exemption on foreign-sourced pension income. Retirees can also take advantage of the country's low cost of living, favorable climate, and diverse culture. With the right preparation, Argentina can be an ideal destination for those looking to retire abroad. For further information or assistance, contact the Argentina Immigration Department.


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Tax incentives

Tax incentives for retirees, such as no income tax on pensions, social security ...
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Affordable cost of living

Low costs for basic needs such as food, transportation, and utilities.

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Access to quality healthcare

Access to affordable and quality healthcare through public and private healthcar...
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Variety of lifestyle options

A range of lifestyle options available, from beachfront living to city living.

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Visa Providers

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