Visa Types

Belize Long-stay visa

A Belize long-stay visa is a great option for people who plan to stay in Belize for an extended period of time. This type of visa allows the holder to stay in Belize for up to 12 months without the need to renew. It is also a great option for those who are looking to establish residency in Belize. The visa can be obtained by submitting the necessary documents to the Belize Immigration Department. It is a great way to enjoy all of the wonderful aspects of Belize for an extended period of time.


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No restrictions on employment

With a Belize long-stay visa, you are free to take up any type of job or start y...
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Access affordable healthcare

Belize long-stay visa holders have access to affordable healthcare services, inc...
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Extensive travel opportunities

With a Belize long-stay visa, you can travel across the region and even beyond w...
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Tax-free income

As a Belize long-stay visa holder, you can enjoy tax-free income for up to three...
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