Visa Types

Belize Retirement visa

Belize offers a retirement visa program, which allows retirees to benefit from a range of incentives while living in the country. This includes a range of tax breaks and benefits, such as duty-free importation of personal and household effects, exemption from capital gains tax and income tax on foreign source income, and access to health care and other social services. The visa also grants retirees access to a range of business opportunities. Thus, allowing them to continue to be productive and profitable members of the community. 


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Tax-free income

Belize offers a retirement program where individuals can receive up to $2,000 US...
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Affordable cost of living

The cost of living in Belize is much lower than most other countries, making it ...
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Natural beauty

Belize is home to some of the most stunning beaches, rainforests, and wildlife i...
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Quality healthcare

Belize offers quality healthcare services at affordable prices, making it an att...
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