Visa Types

Cayman Islands Permanent residency visa

The Cayman Islands offer a permanent residency visa for individuals looking to make the islands their home. The visa is available for those of any nationality and provides the holder with a number of benefits, including living, working and studying in the islands. The visa also provides access to a range of government services and benefits, as well as the right to own property and conduct business. To apply for permanent residency, individuals must demonstrate a strong financial background and meet other requirements such as passing an English language test and providing a valid police record.


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No taxes on income

Cayman Islands permanent residency visa holders are not required to pay taxes on...
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Access to world-class banking

Permanent residency visa holders benefit from access to world-class banking and ...
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Safety and security

Permanent residency visa holders benefit from the safety and security provided b...
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Access to an easy lifestyle

Permanent residency visa holders enjoy an easy lifestyle with access to great be...
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Cayman Islands Permanent residency visa - Find Your Visa




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