Visa Types

Guatemala Temporary residence permit

Guatemala offers a temporary residence permit to non-citizens who wish to live and work in the country. The duration of this permit is 1 year, with the option to renew it for an additional 3. Those who obtain this permit are granted the rights to reside, work and study in the country. In order to apply for the permit, one must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to support themselves and that they are able to provide a guarantee for their stay in the country. The application process for the temporary residence permit can take several weeks and requires providing the necessary documentation.For further information or assistance, contact the Guatemala Immigration Department.


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Access employment opportunities

Temporary residence permits in Guatemala allow individuals to access a wide vari...
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Access public services

With a temporary residence permit, individuals can access public services such a...
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No requirement for separate visa

With a Guatemala temporary residence permit, individuals are not required to obt...
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Apply for permanent residence

Temporary residence permit holders in Guatemala can apply for permanent residenc...
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Visa Providers

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Guatemala  Temporary residence permit - Find Your Visa




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