Visa Types

Hungary Student visa

Hungary offers a range of student visas for those who wish to study in the country. These visas are designed to accommodate both short-term and long-term study, and allow students to work both on and off campus. Those wishing to study in Hungary must apply for a student visa from their nearest Embassy or Consulate. Applicants must provide evidence of their acceptance to a Hungarian educational institution, as well as proof of financial capacity to cover living and tuition costs.


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Access world-class education

Hungary offers a range of high-quality educational institutions, with a wide var...
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Affordable living costs

Hungary has one of the lowest costs of living in Europe, making it an attractive...
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Rich culture and history

Hungary is a culturally rich country with a long and varied history, offering pl...
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Strong job prospects

With a growing economy, Hungary is a great destination for international student...
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