Visa Types

Iceland Medical treatment visa

Iceland offers a medical visa for those who need to travel to the country for medical treatment. This visa allows a person to stay for up to three months for the purpose of receiving medical treatment. Applicants must provide proof of financial ability to pay for medical care, a valid passport, and a signed letter from a qualified medical professional in Iceland verifying the necessity of the trip. The visa is valid for a single entry only, and applicants must apply for a new visa if they need to leave the country and return.


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Access world-class healthcare

Iceland offers modern medical facilities and services, with high standards of qu...
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Cost effective

Iceland offers a range of treatments at competitive prices, making it an attract...
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Short waiting times

Patients can expect to receive treatment within a short period of time, ensuring...
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Relaxing environment

Iceland offers a tranquil and tranquilizing setting, perfect for recovery and re...
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