Visa Types

Luxembourg Long-stay visa

Luxembourg long-stay visas are an excellent option for those who want to stay in the country for an extended period of time. The visa allows the holder to stay in Luxembourg for up to six months, and to apply for a residence permit during this period. It is a great option for those who are looking to work or study abroad, or just to take advantage of the many cultural and recreational activities the country has to offer. The visa is also available for family members of the main applicant, allowing them to join them in Luxembourg and enjoy the country with them.


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Unrestricted access to Schengen area

The long-stay visa gives unrestricted access to the Schengen area, allowing visa...
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Long-term residence

The long-stay visa allows visa holders to stay in Luxemburg for up to one year, ...
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Access to healthcare

Visa holders are eligible for medical benefits while in Luxemburg, including acc...
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Pathway to permanent residence

The long-stay visa may be a pathway to permanent residence in Luxemburg, allowin...
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