Visa Types

Martinique Merchant seaman visa

The Martinique Merchant Seaman Visa is a travel document that allows a person to enter the country of Martinique to work as a merchant seaman. This visa is valid for up to 90 days and allows the holder to work on board a vessel in the maritime trade in Martinique. This visa requires a valid passport and valid work contract from the vessel owner. The Martinique Merchant Seaman Visa is a great way for those who work in the maritime industry to legally enter and work in Martinique.


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Easy access

Allows easy access to the French Caribbean islands for merchant seamen.

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Long-term stay

Allows visa holders to stay up to six months in Martinique.

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No limit

No annual limit on the number of stays.

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Access to other islands

Automatically grants visa holders access to other French Caribbean islands, incl...
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