Visa Types

Nepal Transit visa

Nepal is a beautiful and diverse country in South Asia, and its transit visa is a great way to experience the country's beauty and culture. The transit visa is available for up to five days, and allows travelers to stay in the country for the time period specified on the visa, with the possibility of a single entry. This visa is a great choice for those who want to explore Nepal, as it allows travelers to experience the sights and sounds of the country without having to commit to a long-term stay. 


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Allows travelers to stay

Allows those visiting the country to have a longer period of time to explore Nep...
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Easy to apply

The Nepal transit visa application process is relatively simple and straightforw...
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No need for tourist visa

The transit visa allows travelers to stay in Nepal without having to apply for a...
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Low cost

The cost of a Nepal transit visa is relatively low compared to other countries.

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