Visa Types

Netherlands Au Pair visa

The Netherlands Au Pair visa is a great option for international students looking to gain work experience in the Netherlands. This visa allows young people from non-EU countries to live and work with a host family in the Netherlands for up to one year. With the Au Pair visa, participants can learn the Dutch language, experience a new culture, and gain valuable work experience that will help them with future job opportunities. Additionally, they will earn a modest salary and receive health insurance coverage during their stay. Overall, the Netherlands Au Pair visa is an excellent way for international students to gain work experience and explore a new culture.


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Flexible working hours

Au Pairs are able to work flexible hours around their own lifestyle, allowing th...
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Affordable cost of living

The cost of living in the Netherlands is relatively low, making it easier to sav...
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Learn a new language

Au Pairs have the opportunity to learn Dutch during their stay, improving their ...
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Cultural exchange

Au Pairs get to experience the Dutch culture firsthand, broadening their cultura...
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