Visa Types

Nigeria Official/diplomatic visa

A Nigeria official/diplomatic visa is a document that is required for entry into Nigeria for individuals that are representing their home government or a foreign government, such as diplomats, government employees, and military personnel. In order to obtain an official/diplomatic visa, applicants must provide evidence of their official status, such as a letter from their government and/or embassy. All official/diplomatic visas are granted by the Nigerian Immigration Service and are valid for up to three years.


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Enter and remain

Allows holders to enter and remain in Nigeria for a specified period of time.

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Engage in activities

Allows holders to engage in activities related to official or diplomatic busines...
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Medical care

Allows holders to have access to medical care in Nigeria.

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Access privileges

Allows holders to have access to certain privileges and immunities while in Nige...
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Nigeria Official/diplomatic visa - Find Your Visa




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