Visa Types

North Korea Tourist visa

North Korea is a fascinating and mysterious country that has been off limits to most tourists for a long time. However, in recent years, it has become possible for certain foreign nationals to visit the country with a North Korea tourist visa. This visa requires an invitation from a North Korean government agency, and approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tourists must also adhere to certain restrictions, such as not taking photos of military personnel or buildings, and must be accompanied by a North Korean government guide at all times. Despite the challenges, a visit to North Korea is a truly unique experience.


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Experience culture firsthand

Tourists can explore the country's unique culture, visit historical landmarks, a...
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Visit beautiful landscapes

North Korea is full of stunning natural landscapes, including the Demilitarized ...
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Enjoy unique cuisine

North Korean cuisine is unique and offers tourists a chance to experience dishes...
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Support local economy

Tourists can support the local economy by buying souvenirs, visiting local busin...
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