Visa Types

Spain Au Pair visa

Spain's Au Pair visa program is a great opportunity for those looking to spend time in the country and experience its culture and language. The program allows those aged between 18 and 30 years old to stay in Spain for up to one year, living with a Spanish host family and taking care of minor children in exchange for a weekly allowance, free meals, and a private room. Participants in the program also gain valuable work experience, make new friends, learn the Spanish language, and experience Spanish culture.


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Flexible working hours

Au pairs in Spain can have flexible working hours, meaning they can arrange thei...
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Access to Spanish culture

Au pairs in Spain can experience the country’s culture first-hand by living with...
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Language learning

Au pairs in Spain can improve their Spanish language skills and gain valuable cu...
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Affordable living

Au pairs in Spain can save money on accommodation and other living expenses due ...
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