Visa Types

United Kingdom Work visa

The United Kingdom work visa is a fantastic option for those looking to work in the UK. It allows you to live and work in the country for up to five years without needing to apply for an extension. You can apply for a work visa for a specific job, or you can look for a job once you have arrived in the UK. With the work visa, you will have access to the UK’s job market, its social services, and other benefits. The visa also allows you to bring family members with you to the UK.


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Access to UK labor market

A UK work visa grants foreign citizens access to the UK labor market, allowing t...
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No need to switch employers

With a work visa, the holder can stay with the same employer without the need to...
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Enhanced career opportunities

Working in the UK opens up a wide range of opportunities in terms of career prog...
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Tax liabilities

A UK work visa holder can pay taxes and contribute to the UK economy, with the p...
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