Visa Types

Uruguay Business visa

Uruguay has a business visa that is designed for those who wish to conduct business activities, such as attending meetings or conferences, negotiating contracts, or engaging in commercial transactions. To obtain a business visa, applicants must provide evidence of their purpose of travel, such as a formal invitation from a company or organization in Uruguay. The visa is valid for multiple entries and stays up to 90 days within a 180-day period. Applicants must also provide documentation of their financial ability to support themselves during their stay in Uruguay. For further information or assistance, contact the Uruguay Immigration Department.


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Fast processing time

Uruguay offers a quick and easy process for obtaining business visas.

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Low cost

Business visas to Uruguay are relatively inexpensive compared to other countries...
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No language requirement

Uruguay does not require any specific language proficiency for business visa app...
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Access to unique markets

Uruguay is an ideal destination to explore new business opportunities and gain a...
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