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Au Pair Visa in Europe

An au pair is a young foreign (generally below 30 years old) who offers the service of childcare or housework in exchange for accommodation, food, and a small amount of salary from a host family.

To work as an au pair it is possible to apply for different types of visas. However, there is an au pair Visa available for those interested. This permit allows the worker to stay in the destination for a specific amount of time, normally not more than a year. In some cases, the host family can agree to prolong the stay period and arrange an extension on the visa.

Some countries are very popular among au pairs, especially in Europe. Inclusive, there are specialized agencies, such as AuPairWorld, helping to connect potential female and male au pairs to host families. In this article, you will find some au pair requirements for different countries, the pros and cons of being an au pair in Europe, with and without an au pair agency, and some common doubts about becoming an au pair.

What is an Au Pair?

As we said previously an Au Pair is a young person, between 18 and 30 years old, not married single and without own children, eager to spend some time abroad. During this time, you will live with a host family and fulfill specific functions.

During the contract period, the au pair becomes a member of the family and is intended to help with the home chores, but mostly, to help with children's needs: from bringing them to school to helping them with the homework.

Becoming an au pair allows you to visit one or multiple countries, discovering the culture and the traditions. In Europe for example, au pairs receive a good salary that allows them to comfortably travel between countries, by train and sometimes by plane.

Therefore some of the most common motivations for becoming an au pair in Europe are the following:

  • Being an au pair in Europe opens the way to a world of opportunities to learn languages, cultural immersion, and travel to various countries.
  • The au pair in Europe's salary and work schedules are regulated.
  • With your Au pair visa, you can travel cheaply around Europe, exploring neighboring countries on your vacations or free time.

Being an au pair in Europe is a unique experience for every worker since it will depend on your country of destination, age, number of kids you are taking care of, routines, matching (or not) with the host family, benefits, and obligations requested…and more. 

As mentioned, some countries in Europe are the most requested by potential au pairs, due to the positive conditions and multiple benefits for their workers. 

Become an au pair in Germany

  • Age requirements: Minimum 18 and maximum 26 years.
  • Great au pair in Europe Salary: 280 euros.
  • Au pair world working hours: Between 6 to 8 hours per day, and no more than 30 hours per week.

Become an au pair in The Netherlands

  • Age requirements: Minimum 18 and maximum 26 years.
  • Great au pair in Europe Salary: 300 euros.
  • Au pair world working hours: Between 6 to 8 hours per day, and no more than 30 hours per week.

Become an au pair in France

  • Age requirements: Minimum 18 and maximum 30 years.
  • Great au pair in Europe Salary: 320 euros.
  • Au pair world working hours: No more than 30 hours per week.

Become an au pair in Spain

  • Age requirements: Minimum 18 and maximum 26 years.
  • Great au pair in Europe Salary: 250 euros.
  • Au pair world working hours: There is no official regulation, but the recommendation is that it be no more than 30 hours per week.

Become an au pair in Belgium

  • Age requirements: Minimum 18 and maximum 25 years.
  • Great au pair in Europe Salary: 450 euros.
  • Au pair world working hours: No more than 4 hours per day, e.g. no more than 20 hours per week, over 6 days.

Become an au pair in Switzerland

  • Age requirements: Minimum 17 and maximum 25 years.
  • Great au pair in Europe Salary: Minimum 500 and maximum 700 CHF, equivalent to 526 and 736 USD.

Au pair world working hours: No more than 30 hours per week

Requirements to become an Au Pair

Some of the most common requirements to become an au pair are these:

  • Being 18 years old: One of the essential requirements to be an au pair in Europe. This can indeed vary a little depending on the country, but that's the most common rule for au pairs in Europe.
  • High school diploma: Many programs do not require a university degree to be a world au pair. However, they do require a minimum education, in this case high school diploma before starting your trip to Europe.|
  • Being single or traveling alone: ​​It is easy to conclude that becoming an au pair is very difficult if you have a family or partner. The reason is that when living with a host family, you have to travel alone.
  • Language skills: Traveling to a new country is indeed the perfect opportunity to learn a language. However, you do need to have language skills from the most basic to intermediate. More than anything to be able to have fluid communication between the host family and the children.
  • A valid passport and Aupair visa: A must for a person to travel is having a valid passport and the right visa. In this case, to be eligible for an Aupair visa in the country you want you need a passport (depending on your country of origin, the Au pair visa requirements may vary).
  • Passion for working with children: It makes all the sense in the world to be an au pair in Europe, it is much easier if you are a person who loves children.

Benefits of being an au pair

Some pros about becoming an au pair in Europe are

  • Affordable traveling abroad: The host family will provide food and accommodation, so the au pair can use the salary to discover different destinations.
  • Integrating into a new culture: The family you live with will provide you with the daily experience of learning the local culture with an insider perspective.
  • Working with children can be rewarding: Helping in the development of a human being is emotionally fulfilling, and helps the caregiver to develop aptitudes such as empathy, patience, and attention.
  • Improve your language skills: If you live with a local family, surely you will approach the local language, especially when this one is not English. Practicing a language with kids is an excellent tactic to improve your language skills.

Disadvantages of being an au pair

Some cons about becoming an au pair in Europe are:

  • Being an au pair requires patience: Children need limits and rules, but sometimes these can be not well received. However, it is important to remain calm and slowly gain experience with them. Kids must construct tolerance to frustration while being properly guided to understand their emotions.
  • Host family routines: Being an Au pair implies being flexible and comprehensive since you need to adapt to an entire family’s rhythm. Naturally, every human has their particularities, dynamics, and communication manners.
  • Difficulties separating work and personal life: Living with a host family can be a great and fun experience. Allows the worker to be on time, avoiding traffic jams. However, not having separate spaces for work and home can notably affect psychologically in the long term. It is a similar situation for those who work from home.

Au pair world common doubts

As it is natural a lot of doubts arise while considering becoming an au pair. 

1. What are the requirements, obligations, and rights that a world au pair has? That may depend on the host family you have. However, the general obligations are with the children while salary, free time, and other aspects will depend on the family.

2. What age, language level, and experience is necessary to be an au pair? This will depend on each country's requirements, but generally, it is necessary to be between 18 and 30 years old, have a good English command, and experience is preferred but not required.

3. How to find the right host family? This can be very simple; it is best to go to an au pair agency. They will help you find a family and meet the au pair requirements.

4. How many hours does an au pair have to work and what tasks do you have to perform? This will also depend on the country's regulations and the family requirements. However, these can be always negotiated between the au pair and the hosta family. 

5. Do I need to open a bank account in the country for being an au pair? In most countries of Europe, this is a must or highly recommended, since money transfers via bank account allow the government to regulate the au pair job and to maintain clear boundaries between the host family and the au pair.

6. What benefits are obtained if you are an au pair? The benefits can be many, from learning a new language to discovering new cultures and new routines. In addition, you have economic benefits since you travel economically with all your expenses paid and you receive a salary.

More questions about visas? Go to our insights section and read our world visa guide.


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